Category: Uncategorized

Fire claims..

Claims caused by fire are one of the most frequent large losses on a farm. During the infrequent warm summer periods, farmers are more aware of the risk to fire, but t

Are your fleet vehicles recorded correctly on your motor insurance policy?

When reviewing motor fleet insurance for business and farm customers we sometimes come across vehicles that have been purchased and registered in a family members name

Rapid Rise in Registration Plate Cloning

Registration plate cloning has seen a rapid rise in recent years, with many innocent drivers being affected. If it happens to you, it can be extremely difficult to res

National Sheep Worrying Week

What is sheep worrying? Sheep worrying is when a dog chases, attacks, or causes distress to livestock, which results in significant injury to the sheep, or death of th

Is your Vehicle Tracker Subscription up to date? Act now…

Make sure your vehicle tracking subscriptions is still valid – or your insurance maybe invalid for a theft. Due to increased thefts of high value vehicles such a Lan