
We help you compare the Farm Insurance markets

Here at Caleb Roberts we are constantly looking at ways to improve the service we provide to our clients. With our improved model to compare insurance markets we have

Caleb Roberts supports Young Farmers Club event

Now we are starting to see past the pandemic of Covid -19, February marked the start of Young Farmers Clubs beginning to return to normal activities. Caleb Roberts wer

Dealing With Damage From Storm Eunice

With Storm Eunice predicted to be a severe weather event its important the right steps are taken to manage any potential impact as soon as possible. Below Caleb Robert

Meet the Experts: Chris Robson gives advice of Under Insurance

Written by Chris Robson The ongoing supply chain crisis spells significant delays in building work as farmers across the UK try to recover from the recent storms, with


From 1st March all new cars registered will have the latest ‘22’ registration plate and many consumers and businesses will be upgrading to the latest models with s

Our New Website Has Arrived!

After months of planning, Caleb Roberts Insurance Services has launched its new website to coincide with an updated branding.  The website holds further information

Social Media Expansion

Caleb Roberts have been using Facebook and Twitter for a number of years as another way for you to get in contact.  However, as more of our clients are using these p

New Look, Same Standards

Caleb Roberts Insurance Services are excited to launch our refreshed look by updating our logo and colour scheme.  The logo originates with the existing ‘CRR